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Pet-Sitting in Carmel & Fishers Indiana.  Twenty-four year old business.  Angie's List and IndyTails award!

Antique Collages   Made to order, or using a theme.  Prices vary.  Page of samples are "under construction".  Her website is .  Her site that advertises her antique collages that she designs and makes is at the following location:  .  I have seven of them exhibited in my home.  They are tailor-made to your theme, or the person for which they are crafted.

Computer Work  Business cards, graphic design, resumes, personalized greeting cards, brochures, cover letters, flyers, tailored to your needs.  Email for details.  See credentialsAlso, see the Odyssey Design Blog

     Web-Design for small, home-based businesses, or otherwise. 

    Mentoring services for teens 14-18 years old.   Yes - No - Maybe